
วันจันทร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

When your sale is down; how to improve you sale.

Here is an encouraging testimony how a man manages to use his faith to increase his sale.

Our brothers and sisters are very excited after the camp and many changes have taken place in our church.  We really appreciate and thankful to the blessing that you and Bruce gave to our church. May God bless you abundantly?

Last week on Sunday 24 Oct 2010, our brother-Bee who was your buddy at family camp gave us his testimony. Bee has a small sausages stall and he normally sell his goods in the evening until 2 o’clock in the morning every day. Bee told us that after he heard Ps. Robert talked about noodle shop that belong to Toe and New at the camp, he came back and started to lay hand on his products before he opened the stall. There was heavy raining and flooding on that day, also, in human eyes, it would not be good to sell anything. Although others shop were closed because of the flooding, Bee still stand firmly on God promises as he believed in what he prayed. Amazingly, instead of 6 or 7 hours that he had to do every day, he sold all sausages within 2 hours and he managed to finish by 8 pm. He was very excited so he did it again on the next day and definitely God help him so he has more opportunity to attend the fellowship group. Bee was crying while he gave testimony as he had never experienced the Holy Spirit before, but this time he believed and trusted Him from his real life.

Our brothers and sisters get very excited and we believed that God will do greater things in our church more than we can imagine. We believe that we will be the centre of God’s works as you and Bruce have given the word of prophecy.   What is more is our youth group is burning with God’s fire. They have started to share the gospel to their friend at school. Please pray for the anointing of the Lord in their life.

May the Lord strengthen you like a young man in every day and fill you and your family with healthy and His protection.


