
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Merry Christmas at Baan Sankamin

Pastor Sakda invited me to preach at his church on Christmas day.
I peached Jesus came to the world to redeem, to give life, to destroy the work of the evil.
Finally I asked people to repent for their sins. About 15 people came forward to ask for the forgiveness of sins. I was informed that a few of these people came to the Lord for the first time.
Thank God for his faithfulness and his healing and anointing during the ministry time.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม ไปเทศนาที่บ้านสันขมิ้น อ.แม่สาย
มีพี่น้องที่ทางคริสตจักรได้เชิญมาร่วมงานคริสต์มาสประมาณสิบกว่าคน และเด็กอีกประมาณสิบกว่าคน
เมื่อได้รับฟังคำเทศนาแล้ว พี่น้องหลายคนได้เดินออกมารับเชื่อ   ขอบพระคุณพระเจ้าสำหรับการอวยพรของพระเจ้า

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Afternoon session: Pasak Khang Church

In the afternoon, Mr. Tom, one of my students at school I work for invited me to teach
in his church Baan Basak Khang. There were about 25 young boys and young girls came to the meet.

This was my teachings:

What rights do  you get when you are the son of God?
What kind of Baptism did you get?
Can male marry male or woman marry woman?
Beware signs of the beast on your clothes, toy, and furniture ect. in your house.
Do you fear ghost? Why fear?

At the last session, I invited the young to get prayed for.
Every one of them stood up and walked from the pews to the front.
I asked them to knell down before the Lord and asked for the forgiveness of their sins.
After they had finished sinner's prayer. I took authority in the Name of Jesus to cast and break up all bondage of satan and blessed them one by one.

There was an anointing over the young; God touched them.
After this, I asked how they feel during the laying of hands.

They said that their legs had no strength and they felt something heavy fell on them so they could not stand. A girl said she saw the fire of God burning and cleaning her spirit.
Another girl saw a bright light shining on her while she was on the floor.

Thank God for his love and anointing.

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